Reporting to Parents and Assessment
Reporting student progress to parents
The Victorian Government “Student Report Card” is distributed mid-year and at the end of the year. This format plots students against The Victorian Curriculum F-10 levels and gives the teachers the opportunity to comment on individual children’s achievements and future direction.
Formal parent/teacher interviews are held mid-year. Parents are invited to contact their child’s teacher whenever they wish throughout the year to make an appointment to discuss their child’s progress.
Monitoring & Assessment
Individual student progress is monitored from years Prep to Six using a variety of ongoing formal and informal assessment methods including:
Analysis of daily work
Weekly testing in line with The Victorian Curriculum F-10 statements
In-class observations
Special projects, presentations and reports
Homework is assigned to students to reinforce student learning and varies depending on the child's year level, needs and level of ability. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their child's learning by assisting them with any homework tasks and listening to their child read aloud on a regular basis.
Naplan Tests
Students in Years 3 and 5 participate in Naplan testing each year. Families of students involved in this receive a standardized report which gives additional information regarding student achievement.