Policies, Procedures & Forms.
Forms, General Information, Policies & Procedures
Health Care Forms
If your child has a condition that the school needs to be informed of, please download the appropriate form below and return it to the school.
Asthma Parent Information letter
For School Enrolment & Bus Application Forms
Bus Application
Enrolment Form
DET Placement Policy
General Information
Child Safety Policy
Child Safety Responding & Reporting
Digital Learning (Internet, Social Media & Digital Devices)
Parent Payment Arrangements 2024
Statement of Values & School Philosophy
Student Wellbeing & Engagement
Treating and controlling headlice
Yard Duty & Supervision Policy
Ambulance & Insurance
In the case of an emergency, it may be necessary to call an ambulance to transport your child to the hospital. The cost of the ambulance would be your family’s responsibility as the school does not cover this cost. The school does not provide accident insurance cover for the children whilst at school. Parents may like to arrange private insurance. Information and application forms are available from the office.
Student Details
Families are asked to update information held at school as changes arise. These may include; phone numbers, work arrangements, medical information etc.
School Procedures a-z
Please notify the school when your child has been absent from school by way of email, text or phone call. All absences are recorded, and data sent to the Department of Education (these includes late arrival/departure from school). Parents are asked to report to the office first sign in/out at the office when visiting the school for activities or when children arrive late or depart early from school.
Collection of children from school
Your child must be collected from the administration office either by yourself or another responsible adult. Adults are requested not to go directly to classrooms. If someone other than yourself is to collect your child, please notify the office staff or the class teacher prior to student pickup. The sign-out/in the register must be signed in the office if children are leaving early or arrive late during the school day.
Illness & Infectious Diseases
If your child is unwell, please keep them at home to ensure the health of other children in the school. Information about school exclusion due to illness can be found on the School Exclusion Table. This information is maintained by the Department of Human Services.
School Payments
Payment for camps, swimming, uniforms, essential student learning items etc. are requested from all families and can be made at any time by cash, Bpay, or direct credit. Payment by instalments is also encouraged and can be arranged – fortnightly, monthly or by term. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
School Policies
All school policies are available from the school on request.