Our Special Programs

At Lindenow Primary School our special programs provide the opportunity to extend and enrich student learning.
A compulsory part of our health and physical education program is for all children to participate in a swimming program at the BARC indoor pool. The cost of the swimming program is included in the school fees.
All students at Lindenow Primary School compete in school-based Cross Country and Athletics days.
Successful senior children then have the opportunity to represent our school at a further level.
School Camps
School Camps are part of the education program. They give children the opportunity to experience living away from the family, to reinforce and extend classroom learning, to use self-reliance, self-esteem, resourcefulness, independence, leadership and judgement as well.
Grade 6 students ‘buddy up’ with Prep students for their first year of schooling. Buddies meet once a week to share learning experiences and get to know one another. The philosophy behind the program is that the Grade 6 students support the Preps in their transition from Kindergarten to Primary School and provide them with a friendly face they can go to in the playground.
At Lindenow Primary School we have Environment Captains who are in charge of recycling, composting, looking after the worm farm, and helping to coordinate the veggie garden. Environmental studies also extend to the science classroom, where students explore aspects of the environment including plant and animal biology, earth sciences and the world around us. The environmental activities that students are involved in at L.P.S are further enhanced on our Woodglen Camp. All students also have the opportunity to participate in vegetable and fruit growing in the gardens at both school’s campuses.
Lindenow Primary School participates in a variety of health and wellbeing programs. Grade 5 and 6 students undertake classroom health lessons based on the relationships & sexuality program developed for use in Victorian Government schools, as well as an annual Personal Development Program. Students at all levels across the school participate in social skills and wellbeing program and undertake weekly Physical Education sessions. Students are encouraged to develop and maintain healthy eating and exercise habits through enjoyable initiatives including fruit break times in class, healthy lunch days and fun exercise days such as our ‘Healthy Day Fun Run’, Jump Rope for Heart, and the end of year fun sports day.
At Lindenow we have a very well-stocked library and a highly dedicated and book enthusiast Library Manager. Making reading fun is a high priority and each year we encourage students to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge, with a high level of students always completing the challenge. Students also have access to the Scholastic Book Club, regularly receiving catalogues to take home and order from.
Performing Arts
Students at Lindenow Primary School have the opportunity to attend and participate in a variety of performing arts programs.
Travelling performers regularly visit the school, providing students with cultural and artistic experiences they may not otherwise encounter. All students are involved in various performances throughout the year, including performing at school assemblies, community events, and the school’s end of year Christmas celebration.
End of year concert
The end of year concert is always a highlight at Lindenow. Students work in their House Groups of Wuk Wuk, Walpa, Calulu, and Woodglen to prepare and practise a fun Christmas song to present to the community. Student success throughout the year is also celebrated, with special awards and presentations taking place. Of course, we also take this opportunity to farewell our Grade 6 group, providing them with a small gift to remember their time at Lindenow.
Grade 6 Graduation
The success of the graduating class is celebrated each year at the special Grade 6 Graduation evening, traditionally held in the last week of Term 4. Grade 6 students and parents are invited to a two-course dinner where students are presented with their Graduation certificates and a Year Book.